Wednesday, June 30, 2010

World Cup Fever!

Feeling lost without a football game to watch? I certainly am! After 19 days of straight play I feel lost without the World Cup. Well here's a scorecard you probably haven't thought about yet, the environmental score of the 2010 World Cup. Since we have time to kill before the quarterfinals let's take a look.

Sporting events like the World Cup and Olympics provide a powerful international stage for spreading sustainable practices. In my opinion, an opportunity that shouldn't be wasted. So, has South Africa stepped up to the plate? I think so.

South Africa developed the Green Goal 2010 in hopes of reducing carbon emissions and to green the World Cup and their country for generations to come. Here is a link to the official press release on the program.

My personal favorite is the Green Passport Program.

In addition to South Africa's initiatives individuals teams are also being environmentally responsible. 11 teams announced they will offset the emissions caused by their participation in the event. While any offsetting is better than nothing, I'd like to especially thank Chile, England, Republic of Korea and Serbia for committing to their own offsetting. The other 7 are sponsored by PUMA. I can't mention PUMA without applauding the company for all it is doing this year for the environment. PUMA partnered with the UNEP to to develop Play for Life which supports the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity.

The idea is to use football to raise awareness about habitat and species conservation. Here's a great video of Jochen Zeitz, Chairman and CEO of PUMA announcing the partnership and talking about their efforts at the World Cup.

And because the African Unity Kits would be nothing without the professional football players who wear them here's the PUMA Africa Unity Kit Video with the athletes!

All in all, I must say that the 2010 World Cup seems to be scoring high for the environment. But the final score won't be known until after the games.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Let the games begin!

Hello! I'm very excited to get this blog started. This is something I've wanted to do for awhile...combine my two passions, sports and saving the world!

Here's a little history before the games begin!

I love sports! I love watching them, playing them and reporting on them. At the same time I feel very passionate about the environment. While sports journalism is my career, I feel simply reporting on the stats and scores of games isn't enough. So many athletes, teams and leagues are making strides both in their sport and for the planet and I want to make sure they are being recognized. I guess you can say I'm wearing an environmentally conscious helmet in my game of life.

I truly believe there is no better way to bring about change than through sports. Sports cut across cultural boundaries and bring together people of all demographics. Just think about the audience the Superbowl attracts! This unique international stage is perfect for spreading sustainable messages. Sports unite and inspire people to do their best and I'd like to make sure the best ideas for saving our planet are read and heard. Professional athletes are in a unique position to make powerful statements about sustainability and to lead by example and I plan to help disseminate their messages.

That is what my blog is all about. Spreading the positive messages and examples by players, teams and leagues, so even more people will be inspired to change. We are all part of the same planet so let's work together as a team and score points for our environment!